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Coo-ee March Gallery

Relive the story of the original Coo-ee March depicting the journey of 35 men who marched from Gilgandra to Sydney in 1915 to attract recruits for service in WWI.

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The Coo-ee March Gallery includes artefacts of national significance including the Union Jack Flag carried by the Marchers. A recent addition to the museum display is the Coo-ee Honour Wall, a research project completed by volunteers from Gilgandra Museum and Historical Society.

The Coo-ee Honour Wall provides a poignant insight into the lives of the men who marched from Gilgandra to Sydney to volunteer for service in WWI. A must see for historians and those with an interest in Australian Military history.

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Gilgandra Coo-ee's Booklet

The booklet represents the Coo-ee Honour Wall, a museum display developed as part of the Centenary of the Coo-ee March 1915 - 2015.

The Coo-ee March Gallery is located at the Coo-ee Heritage & Visitor Information Centre.

Research and compilation by

  • Margo Piggott
  • Gilgandra Museum and Historical Society
  • Gilgandra Shire Council
  • Friend and families of the Gilgandra Coo-ees

Do you have a connection with the our Coo-ees? Research into the 1915 Coo-ee March is ongoing. If you have any photos, stories or artefacts you would like to share, please Connect with us.

We invite you to download your free copy of this booklet:

Gilgandra's Coo-ee's Booklet

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