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Emu Egg Painting Workshop


Join Emu Logic for their emu egg painting workshop for an excellent way to spend Easter Sunday!

2-4pm Easter Sunday | The afternoon includes egg painting, smoko and a tour to the emu paddocks. 

Numbers are limited and bookings are essential. Please book before the afternoon of Good Friday. 

Participants must be over 12 years of age. 

Artistic talent helpful but not a requirement to have an enjoyable afternoon. Options of stencils, ready drawn designs on eggs to colour or free hand your own work opts available. 


  • 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm, Sunday, 09 April, 2023


  • Emu Logic, 2404 John Renshaw Pkwy Tooraweenah, Warrumbungle NSW 2817


  • Emu Logic
  • (02) 6825 4346


  • $65 per person
Emu Egg Painting Workshop

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